
Services for Staff

Why collaborate with The Learning Centre?

Collaboration between academic staff and Learning Advisors can:

  • Improve your student retention rates.
  • Improve the academic performance of your students.
  • Support academic staff with the development of resources.
  • Help identify areas for improvement within a subject or course.
  • Provide opportunities for staff to engage in collaborative professional development that relates specifically to their work.
  • Support all students to develop their academic skills in alignment with the JCU English Language and Numeracy Policy.

Ways the Learning Centre staff can help academic staff

The Learning Centre has many generic resources. However, if you want specific resources to support your students, a Learning Advisor can work with you to develop workshops, writing guides, or appropriate scaffolding to help your students succeed.

We have delivered hundreds of workshops across all colleges to assist students in unpacking assessment tasks, group work, writing in specific genres, time management and study skills, and much more.

Creating effective assessments that develop students’ skills can be challenging for anyone. Learning Advisors can help to make this process easier and the product more effective by working with you to create scaffolding tasks and writing clear and effective phrasing in rubrics

Do you want a Learning Advisor to work specifically with your class to support their literacy and numeracy? Contact the Learning Centre to get your very own Integrated Learning Advisor (ILA) today!

If you’re looking to level up your teaching and develop your skills, our team of Learning Advisors can support you. We can design and deliver professional development for academic staff of all disciplines upon request.

Our specialist EAL Learning Advisors have expert advice for teaching students who speak English as an additional language. They understand your challenges and can work with you to support your EAL cohort.

Many of the techniques that are used for creating accessible classrooms for EAL students are good practice for a wide range of students, including students with a physical disability, neurodivergent students, or non-traditional students. Implementing techniques for creating accessible classrooms improves educational equity and student participation. Creating Accessible Classrooms has some basic techniques you can use in your classrooms to improve the accessibility for all your students.

In lecture resources

You might like to include some of these slides in your lecture slides or in your LearnJCU subjects to let your students know about the services we offer. If you are looking for something in particular and can’t find it here, please contact a Learning Advisor.