
Practise mindfulness

Be patient, flexible and enjoy the experience

  • Enjoy learning in a different way.
  • Practise resilience strategies. If you're having difficulty with the technology, log off and try again.
  • Staying well in isolation is important. Establishing a workable routine and self-care plan while learning online and working from home can support your overall mental health and wellbeing. Creating a daily planner  to stay on top of it all is a good idea. JCU offers a free and confidential counselling service for all enrolled students. Booking an appointment by phone or zoom is simple and easy.
  • Relaxation, mindfulness and meditation techniques are terrific tools to add to your wellbeing “toolbox” as you continue to learn online.
  • for help when needed.
  • You can also have a virtual meeting with a Learning Advisor if you need further assistance with study by contacting us here.
  • Book a virtual meeting with a Peer Advisor by contacting us here.