

Bachelor of Geology

Become an innovative problem-solver and build your career in geoscience with a Bachelor of Geology from JCU. Develop expertise in conservation, exploration and mining for base and critical minerals. Benefit from world class resources, including access to practical fieldwork in iconic locations, analytical facilities and on-site learning at JCU's Economic Geology Research Centre.

5 Stars

for learner engagement 2024 Good Universities Guide, UG Science & Maths

Support sustainability

Help make the transition to green energy

Access the best

Hone your skills in JCU’s Economic Geology Research Centre


Only first year available in Cairns


  • Townsville: February, July
  • Cairns: February, July



+estimated annual Commonwealth Supported Fee for a full-time study load

Plus Student Services and Amenities fee
Fee deferral and scholarships available if eligible


3 years full-time

Entry Requirements

ATAR 66.5

Recommended Knowledge

English (Units 3/4,C), Chemistry (Units 3/4,C), and General Maths or Mathematical Methods (Units 3/4,C)

QTAC Codes

  • 316311
  • 326311

Course detail

Real stories

  • Bachelor of Geology student Renee Web


    Renee Bensemann


    In pursuing honours, I wanted to continue my studies at JCU because the geoscience staff are world- renowned in their fields. They are always happy to give their time and share their knowledge whenever I needed it. Everybody within the College wants you to succeed.

  • Associate Professor Eric Roberts Head of Earth and Environmental Science


    Associate Professor Eric Roberts

    Head of Earth and Environmental Science

    It is nice to be part of a smaller university where staff and students actually get to know each other, and where there is opportunity to be involved in research. A highlight of our degree is the opportunity for field-based learning, bringing students into the field, and providing real hands-on learning.