
Estate Campus Services Furniture Removal

Furniture Removal

Booking a Removal of Furniture via MEX

On the MEX request the following points are essential for a smooth move:

  • Name
  • Telephone extension number
  • Building number and room number/s where the furniture is to be uplifted from and delivered to.
  • An itinerary of furniture to be moved (this gives the removal company an indication of how long the job will take)
  • A preferred moving date (we will endeavour to perform the move as near as possible to the required date)
  • At least a week’s notice of move - (two weeks over Christmas and New year breaks as this is the busiest time of the year for ALL removal companies)
  • An account code is a MUST for the job to proceed quickly. Note: Without an account code a request cannot be formulated into a work order enabling the work to be carried out.

Cartons are available through the furniture removal company and on larger moves we order and pay for boxes actually used – contact the Customer Service Desk extension 14444.

The removal company is available to pack items if required; this will require a representative of the company to have a look at the amount to be packed.