
Course and Subject Handbook 2024 Courses Postgraduate Courses Master of Conflict Management and Resolution [36cp]

Master of Conflict Management and Resolution [36cp]

Handbook year

Information valid for students commencing in 2024.

Course code


Course type

Masters Degree (Coursework) (AQF Level 9)

Professional accreditation status

LB5501 Facilitative Mediation Practice covers the education and training requirements of the National Mediator Accreditation Standards – to gain accreditation students must also pass the competency assessment for Accreditation as a mediator under the National Standards, (not part of the JCU subject). This subject is accredited by Leading Edge Alternative Dispute Resolvers (LEADR) or any other Recognised Mediator Accreditation Body.

LB5527 Conflict Coaching is accredited by Conflict Coaching International (CCI). This subject covers the education and training requirements for accreditation as a REAL Conflict Coach. Students need to complete a portfolio and a video-recorded competency-based assessment for accreditation with CCI.




Business, Law and Governance

Admission Requirements

Course pre-requisites

Completion of an AQF level 7 bachelor degree from this or another university; or

Other qualifications or practical experience recognised by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Division of Tropical Environments and Societies, as equivalent to the above.

Minimum English language proficiency requirements

Applicants of non-English speaking backgrounds must meet the English language proficiency requirements of Band 2 Schedule II of the JCU Admissions Policy.

Academic Requirements for Course Completion

Credit points

36 credit points as per course structure

Course learning outcomes

On successful completion of Master of Conflict Management and Resolution, JCU graduates will be able to:

  1. Evaluate complex conflict and related theories and standards for professional practice in conflict management and resolution
  2. Critically analyse complex conflicts and conflict management systems
  3. Provide specialised advice to assist individuals, groups and organisations to constructively manage conflict
  4. Effectively communicate with, facilitate and support people in personal, group, organisational and cross-cultural conflict
  5. Independently and critically reflect on and assess their own capabilities and performance, and make use of feedback as appropriate, to support personal and professional development
  6. Exercise independent ethical judgment and initiative in conflict management and resolution practice and research
  7. Research, analyse and interpret data from a range of sources relevant to conflict management and resolution.

Inherent Requirements

Inherent Requirements

Inherent requirements are the identified abilities, attributes, skills, and behaviours that must be demonstrated, during the learning experience, to successfully complete a course. These abilities, attributes, skills, and behaviours preserve the academic integrity of the University's learning, assessment, and accreditation processes, and where applicable, meet the standards of a profession. For more information please visit: Master of Conflict Management and Resolution.

Reasonable adjustments

All JCU students have the opportunity to demonstrate, with reasonable adjustments where applicable, the inherent requirements for their course. For more information please visit: Student Disability Policy and Procedure.

Course Structure


LB5525:03 Conflict Analysis

LB5526:03 Sustainable Conflict Management or LB5520:03 Professional Project/Internship

LB5530:03 Conflict Resolution Processes

LB5535:03 Multidisciplinary Research and Communication in CMR

LB5536:03 Ethical Decision Making and Reflective Practice

LB5537:03 Neuroscience, Psychology and Conflict

Select Option 1 or Option 2


Select 18 credit points from List 1


Select 12 credit points from List 1 and

Select 6 credit points from List 2

List 1

LB5235:03 Applied Research Project

LB5500:03 Negotiation

LB5501:03 Facilitative Mediation Practice

LB5514:03 Cross-Cultural Conflict Resolution

LB5515:03 Workplace Conflict Management

LB5516:03 Group Facilitation

LB5520:03 Professional Project/Internship

LB5526:03 Sustainable Conflict Management

LB5527:03 Conflict Coaching

LB5534:03 Contemporary Dispute System Design

List 2

AN5006:03 Asia Pacific Development: Culture and Globalisation

EV5951:03 Development in Practice

EV5952:03 Critical Issues in Global Development

LB5200:03 Career Planning

LB5205:03 People in Organisations

LB5228:03 The Changing Business Environment

LB5229:03 Economics for a Sustainable World

LB5230:03 Managing Strategic Resources and Operations

LB5231:03 Corporate Responsibility and Governance

LB5233:03 Innovation and Entrepreneurship

LB5234:03 Leading and Managing Organisational Change

LB5236:03 International Political Economy

LB5245:03 Risk Assessment and Quality Project Management

LB5246:03 Project Governance and Asset Management

LB5247:03 Management Methods for Complex Projects

LB5403:03 Project Management Principles and Foundations

PL5002:03 Policy Analysis and Management

PL5110:03 Shifting Geopolitical Environments in Emerging States

PL5153:03 Politics and Foreign Relations




JCU Townsville

February (Trimester 1) and September (Trimester 3) entry is available

Subjects are available in mixed-mode at the JCU Townsville City Campus.


February (Trimester 1) and September (Trimester 3) entry is available


Expected time to complete

1.5 years full-time or part-time equivalent

Maximum time to complete

6 years

Maximum leave of absence

1 year


Course progression requisites


Course includes mandatory professional placement(s)


Special assessment requirements


Professional accreditation requirements


Supplementary exam for final subject

A student who has failed the final subject towards the award and who gained 40% or more of the marks for that subject, may be granted a supplementary examination in that subject. However, if that subject is required for accreditation, then the criteria specified by that accreditation will apply.



Students may apply for a credit transfer for previous tertiary study or informal and non-formal learning in accordance with the Credit Transfer Procedure

Credit will be granted up to 12 credit points (4 subjects) for the following:

  • AQF level 7 bachelor degree in a cognate discipline*; or
  • AQF level 7 in non-cognate discipline and relevant employment experience**
  • AQF level 7 bachelor degree in cognate discipline* and relevant employment experience**
  • AQF level 8 bachelor honours degree in a cognate* discipline
  • AQF level 8 bachelor honours degree in a non- cognate with relevant employment experience**; or
  • Graduate certificate or graduate diploma in a non-cognate discipline;
  • Graduate certificate or graduate diploma in a cognate discipline, such as JCU Graduate Certificate of Conflict Management and Resolution

NB: Where employment experience without qualifications, as set out below, is used to meet entry requirements, that experience will not also be used for credit.

* Cognate disciplines: conflict management, peace and conflict studies. Students will also have developed skills in analysing theory and practice in areas relating to people and communication, and in particular providing support and advice to individuals, groups and organisations. Students from these disciplines will also have developed skills in ethical judgement and initiative in practice and research involving human interaction, as well as critical reflection and self-assessment of their capabilities and performance, and use feedback, in personal and professional development.

** Employment experience: Applicants must have a minimum four (4) years full-time working in the field of conflict management and resolution (e.g. dispute resolution officer, complaints manager, mediator, facilitator, lawyer, conciliator, arbitrator, or ombudsman) or in a management position in which the person manages conflict between staff, or staff and clients/customers.

Students with related employment experience will have engaged in the practice of conflict management and resolution at an individual or organisational level. They will have engaged in the practice of critically analysing conflicts and conflict management systems, and will have practiced within the boundaries of professional standards for conflict management and resolution. They will have had experience in providing advice to assist individuals, groups and/or organisations to constructively manage conflict and will have demonstrated the capacity to effectively communicate with, facilitate and support people in conflict. They will also have developed skills in ethical judgement and initiative in the practice of managing people in conflict, as well as critical reflection and self-assessment of their capabilities and performance, and use feedback, in personal and professional development.

Maximum allowed

12 credit points


Credit will be granted only for subjects completed in the 10 years prior to the commencement of this course


Credit gained for any subject shall be cancelled 16 years after the date of the examination upon which the credit is based if, by then, the student has not completed this course.

Other restrictions

Credit will not be granted for undergraduate studies in a non-cognate discipline or for work experience that is used to gain admission to the course.

Cognate disciplines:  conflict management, peace and conflict studies

Award Details

Award title


Approved abbreviation


Inclusion of majors on

Not applicable – this course does not have majors

Exit with lesser award

Students who exit the course prior to completion, and have completed the required number of credit points of appropriate subjects may be eligible to receive one of the following awards:

  • Graduate Certificate of Conflict Management and Resolution
  • Graduate Diploma of Conflict Management and Resolution.

Course articulation

Not applicable

Special awards

Students may receive an Award of Recognition in accordance with the Recognition of Academic Excellence Procedure