
CEE Development & Recognition Grants & Awards JCU Citations for Sustained Commitment to Enhancing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

JCU Citations for Sustained Commitment to Enhancing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

JCU is devoted to the success and wellbeing of our students through commitment to a set of core values that define what we stand for and guide the way we behave and work together. JCU values authenticity, excellence, integrity, and respect in everything we do. Furthermore, we are committed to excellence, equity, and inclusion. As noted in the JCU Statement of Strategic Intent (JCU, 2019), we embrace “the diversity of the communities we serve in two countries” and “we are enriched by and celebrate our communities’ diversity”.

JCU recognises outstanding practice in teaching and scholarship that adheres to these values in many different ways. The JCU Citation for Sustained Commitment to Enhancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is one such example.  This award recognises and rewards the sustained contributions of individuals or teams to the development of initiatives or programs that address the University’s strategic goals around diversity and inclusion and/or have made a significant contribution in supporting staff or students overcome such barriers.

The winners of these awards chosen by a panel of University teaching and learning stakeholders and will be assessed using the Australian Awards for University Teaching (AAUT) Citations Assessment Matrix. Winners are recognised as leaders of learning and teaching at JCU and are invited to join the Community of Learning and Teaching Excellence. Winners will be announced at the Celebrating Excellence in Learning and Teaching at JCU: Teaching Excellence Awards on Thursday, 24 October 2024.

2024 Application Process

The following quick reference instructions are to guide applicants. The Centre for Education and Enhancement strongly encourages staff to discuss their nomination with their Associate Dean Learning & Teaching prior to submitting.

  • Contact recipients of JCU Citations to discuss their application process, or review successful National applications.
  • Contact your Associate Dean Learning & Teaching for support or mentoring.
  • Identify a citation mentor – this might be a previous award recipient.
  • Download a copy of the most recent Citation Information presentation slides presented by Associate Professor Andrea Lynch, Dean Centre for Education and Enhancement.

Collate evidence to support your application. Use a range of data.

Some useful resources to consider include:

  • Prepare your application, ensuring compliance with criteria and all requirements.
  • Assess your application against the AAUT Citation Assessment Matrix
  • Please note, any applications that do not conform to the formatting outlined within the Application Guidelines will not be accepted.
    • Complete the Application Checklist (see Attachment to Application Guidelines) prior to submitting your application.
  • Lodge your application with your Associate Dean Learning & Teaching for signature and review prior to the nomination closing date.
  • Particular Divisional Offices may be dictate earlier dates for submission, review and signatures. Please check with your relevant Divisional Office administrator.
  • Contact your Associate Dean Learning & Teaching for guidance specific to your College and Division.

2024 Closing Date: COB Friday, 20 September 2024

All applications must be:

  1. Approved by the relevant Associate Dean Learning & Teaching,
  2. Signed by the relevant Dean and Divisional Deputy-Vice Chancellor, and
  3. Sent to the Centre for Education and Enhancement via email to grantsandawards@jcu.edu.au by COB Friday, 20 September 2024 Late applications will not be considered.