
Library Special Collections Library Exhibitions Guidelines

Library Exhibitions Guidelines


This document is intended to provide guidelines to the JCU community and other individuals or organisations regarding exhibitions in the JCU Library buildings and/or on the JCU Library website.


The JCU Library welcomes exhibits that support the social, cultural and intellectual life of the University and of our communities.

To provide innovative and quality exhibitions that:

  • enhance access to the collections and services of the JCU Library

  • attract new audiences to the Library through exhibitions

  • contribute to community engagement and collaboration and awareness of the Library as a significant cultural institution in northern Queensland

  • encourage donations of collection items and funds to the Library and University and

  • ensure effective project planning and financial management of exhibitions

The principles and policies outlined below apply to all exhibitions in the Eddie Koiki Mabo Library and Cairns Library buildings, and to online exhibitions on the JCU Library website.


Physical exhibition – the display of physical items by University departments/schools, other organisations or individuals, which support the intellectual or cultural life of the University and the wider community.

Online exhibitions – the display of images and supporting text on the Library and Computing Services website which support the University Library and/or the intellectual or cultural life of the University and the wider community.

Guidelines and Procedures

Members of the University community and external organisations may request exhibitions which support the cultural and intellectual life of the University and wider region in suitable areas of the Library buildings, or online, subject to the following conditions:

  1. Requests to hold an exhibition in either the Eddie Koiki Mabo or Cairns Library, or online, are directed to the Manager, Special Collections. A booking may be arranged for a period convenient to the Library.

  2. The JCU Library reserves the right to determine the suitability of any exhibition, or of item in an exhibition.

  3. Each exhibition is curated to a professional standard. The JCU Library reserves the right to refuse permission to those exhibitions that appear to be of an unacceptable quality.

  4. The Library reserves the right to refuse permission for exhibitions that:

    1. are defamatory, misleading or deceptive, or breach laws relating to racial vilification and privacy

    2. may disrupt the business of the Library

    3. may impede Library clients or Library staff access to, or use of the Library either during the setting up or while the exhibition is running

    4. have conservation requirements beyond the capacity of the Library

    5. may create security or safety issues for Library clients or staff

  5. The Eddie Koiki Mabo and Cairns Libraries both hold display cases which may be used in an exhibition by negotiation with the appropriate Library staff.

  6. The exhibitor must include in a prominent position the name of the organisation or individual responsible for the exhibition and brief information about the exhibition. The exhibitor must provide the Library with contact details of a person, to whom enquiries may be directed, for example enquiries regarding the purchase of works.

  7. The exhibitor is fully responsible for the installation and curation of their exhibition. Care must be taken not to damage structure or fabric of JCU Library buildings, eg walls.

  8. The exhibitor is normally responsible for any external publicity to promote the exhibition and will consult with the appropriate Library staff in advance of any publicity. Library staff will ensure that the appropriate JCU staff are informed in advance of the exhibition and proposed publicity to ensure the promotion of the exhibition to the University and wider community where appropriate. The exhibitor must receive prior approval to use any University logo. Contact the Engagement team regarding the use of JCU logos and branding.

  9. Exhibitions are installed and removed by the exhibitor on the agreed date and at the agreed time.

  10. The University indemnifies all items that are exhibited in Library buildings as part of its general institutional insurance policy. For insurance purposes the exhibitor must provide the Library with a listing of all items to be included in any exhibition, with values/valuation where possible.